Week 2 Devlog

For this week the brief we were given to introduce some form of corrupted vision into our games.

The way I (Seán) went about it was to look at the literal sense of corrupted vision and think about how can I make it harder to see and more challenging to hit the punching bag in my demo. The way I went about this was to look at the camera and how the player would see the objects in front of them and distort that, by changing their FOV and introducing a lerping vignette to try and avoid some illness that would come with the weird movements I added to the camera and the constantly shifting FOV of the player,  Almost adding a drunken mode to the game.

The way I (Darragh) went about this prompt was to create an experience in contrast to last week's prompt which was creating a comfortable experience in VR. This week I decided to create a level based on the boxing idea where the player would be placed into a cramped room with a punching bag, when the player hits the punching bag the floor and walls would be removed to reveal a thin platform that the player is standing on with a void below creating a vertigo effect which would be a big no when creating VR games as you need the game to be as comfortable as possible to allow a wide range of players to be able to play the game.


Gorilla Run BETA 30 MB
Dec 15, 2022

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